now, nothing is copy.

attn: cosmic creations

cc: contributors + consumers of planet earth, milky way galaxy

now, nothing is copy.

when i watched the film that jacob bernstein created in memorium of his late mother & an inspiration of mine, nora ephron- i at first agreed with the conclusion to his query.

a phrase passed down from his grandmother phoebe, to his mother- ‘everything is copy’ was chosen as the film title while the documentary itself simultaneously challenged that very concept.

being a writer myself, i wondered what might happen if the ideas detailed in that documentary were applied to art culture in a post-modern society. it struck a chord.

“everything is copy.”

isn’t it true, though? aside from truly one of a kind custom art, even jewelry, is copy. 

most paintings are prints. that latest photo shoot on your favs instagram? it is a copy of what was used in paid media. the music you stream, is a copy of the performance/experience. that merch you sport? copy of a copy. even books are just a copy of a copy of a copy a manuscript. not to mention the cross platform/outlet sharing. you’ll see the same content in a dozen different places on any given day. ads or not. isn’t that dizzying? exactly. 

i suppose that’s the precise point of this push for people to exist as blood pumping promotions. distract the masses by dizzying them. 

the funny thing about that is that the purpose of art is to distract the masses from the system.

to instead plant a seeds of love, hope & faith which conquer fear within & inevitably cause disarray, without.

so i asked myself, “what if i used ‘everything is copy’ as the antithesis to an entire concept. in a world that is constantly filled with content that by definition is simply copy- perhaps the best defense is simply resistance.” 

intentionally & actively choosing to not add to the maze of half tossed trash. 

i am a peculiarly placed flower; fearless & out of place- with purpose, passionate in my existence. 

existing why exactly then, if not to drown in disarray. suddenly, i found myself musing upon a saying that we journalists lived by in the newsroom, “content is king & context is queen”. 

this immediately ran me into a series of realizations that i’ve been sorting out since.

“if content is king, resist the patriarchy,” i thought. “who can best beat the king?”

if you’re familiar with chess, you already know the answer.

the queen. 

which led me to read the role of the queen. context. 

context is what culture so cruelly lacks in present days. 

the oxford american writer’s thesaurus defines it like this-

“context: noun; circumstances, conditions, surroundings, factors, state of affairs, situations, environment, milieu,  setting, background, backdrop, scene, climate, atmosphere, ambience, mood, feel.”

so, as a person & poet… a pearl planted in this plane of existence- i was created to provide context- not content.

these thoughts simply confirmed in my spirit, what i’ve been moving towards in intentional ways for a long time. scaling back my presence to be more present. putting my past in a pearl & finding my future is in frequency.

some of you may have noticed small changes here & there in my social media & website. less posting, smaller grids, & even deleting entire social accounts or starting over, along with new usernames across platforms. to put it simply, i got tired of trying to cater to the throes of a system that was designed to oppose my frequency. i find it to be a losing battle, but i do not ever consent to concede- i just pray & pivot.

this particular transmutation of knowledge & resulting transformation has been intentionally implemented as the following.

twitter serves as a real time portal to healing frequencies, & self published musings to inspire + activate. think, interstellar travel within dimensions. divinely designed.

think of youtube as the smokey stage in a jazz alley. productions will pop up as opportunity & capacities allow. 

private performances & bts belong to patreon.

linkdin remains the train car that is always quiet but eventfully professional.

the transfer i never take is facebook.

clubhouse is like the troupe that i travel with from time to time. sometimes i make amazing connections. sometimes i feel like i got dragged in by a delusional droid.

tiktok is the block party that i never know anyone at, attend as a wallflower for the stories, & always leave with an irish goodbye.

tumblr will forever be the sailboat of social media. peaceful. a prayer.

pinterest is proceeding in pilot as the private jet of access to intentionally arranged wormholes of poetry privileges, beautiful boards & researched resources.

finally, rather than display a gallery of prose & projects produced under my company & brand with little direction to the present, i am now utilizing instagram as a portal to my own platform. is where i host the houses of many multidimensional mediums & medias of art & activism.

each post will present as a photo-graphic gradient frequency.

grounding in presence, providing a portal to the present project.

in this way, i intend to conclude any contribution to this century of content, & continue my career creating context- as an encumbrance to copy. 

a healing frequency.

for your energy, you have my gratitude.

blessings & blooms to you.

love,  b.

b, gurr
